Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Predictably Irrational - sign of human sinfulness

I just heard a tequila commercial ending with the clam – purer than your intentions. So true so true. I think Dan Ariely would agree. He is a Behavioral economist. (I am not sure what that is?) Dan studies human intentions. He studies the hiccups in our holiness. He has been studying the hidden reasons we think it's OK to cheat or steal (sometimes). Dan thinks the bugs in our moral code are not random. His point - we're predictably irrational

It's become increasingly obvious that the dismal science of economics is not as firmly grounded in actual behavior as was once supposed. Economists are the theologans of seculerism.  They tell us why we worship what we do and how to get us to worship better.  Dan Ariely tells us why he thinks we are perdictably irrational?

Why are we predictably irrational - comes from our intuitions - the assumptions at the bottom of our heart. The christain practice of personal introspection is a great way to get at our intuitions. Our intuitions are deep beleifs rooted in our heart that color how we see the world. Such beleafs inform our moral choices and drives our actions. His points can teach us about the times we are more tempted to follow our own course.

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